API Reference

class turbo_flask.Turbo(app=None)
turbo(version='7.3.0', url=None)

Add turbo.js to the page.

This method is accessible in template files as turbo. You must add {{ turbo() }} in the <head> section of your main template to activate turbo.js.

  • version – the version of turbo.js to load.

  • url – The URL for the turbo.js library, or None to use the default version and CDN.


Configure an application-specific user id generator, to allow the application to push updates over WebSocket to individual clients.


def get_user_id():
    return current_user.id

Default user id generator. An application-specific function can be configured with the @user_id decorator.


Returns the target frame the client expects, or None.


Returns True if the client accepts turbo stream reponses.


Returns True if the client accepts turbo stream updates over WebSocket.


to – the id of the client. If not given then the answer is True if there is at least one client listening to updates over WebSocket.

append(content, target)

Create an append stream.

  • content – the HTML content to include in the stream.

  • target – the target ID for this change.

prepend(content, target)

Create a prepend stream.

  • content – the HTML content to include in the stream.

  • target – the target ID for this change.

replace(content, target)

Create a replace stream.

  • content – the HTML content to include in the stream.

  • target – the target ID for this change.

update(content, target)

Create an update stream.

  • content – the HTML content to include in the stream.

  • target – the target ID for this change.


Create a remove stream.


target – the target ID for this change.

after(content, target)

Create an after stream.

  • content – the HTML content to include in the stream.

  • target – the target ID for this change.

before(content, target)

Create an before stream.

  • content – the HTML content to include in the stream.

  • target – the target ID for this change.


Create a turbo stream response.


stream – one or a list of streamed responses generated by the append(), prepend(), replace(), update() and remove() methods.

push(stream, to=None)

Push a turbo stream update over WebSocket to one or more clients.

  • stream – one or a list of stream updates generated by the append(), prepend(), replace(), update() and remove() methods.

  • to – the id of the target client. Set to None to send to all connected clients, or to a list of ids to target multiple clients.